How to insert ads along with blogger post ?

How to insert ads along with blogger post ?
How to insert ads along with blogger post ?
An easy way Google Adsense ads in the middle of the post, without damaging the image and blockquote, pre and code
to do this, you can  following our steps:
 Log in to blogger first, then select Templates> Edit HTML.

<b: if cond = 'data: the blog.pageType == & quot; item & quot;'> 
<div itemprop = 'description ArticleBody'> <data: post.body /> </ div> 
</ b: if>

Place the following code at the top of the code  </ body> 

Also Read

<b: if cond = 'data: the blog.pageType == & quot; item & quot;'> 
# middle-ads {display: none; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0} 
.middleadsproject {padding: 0; width: auto; text-align: center; height: auto; margin: 5px auto 0; display: block} 
.middleadsproject h4 {color: #bbb; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto 7px; font-weight: normal! important ; letter-spacing: 1.5px; padding: 0; font-size: 90%} 
</ style> 
<div class = 'middleadsproject'> <h4> Advertiser </ h4> CODE OF ADVERTISING ARE ALREADY parsed </ div>  <script type = 'text / javascript "> var str1 = document.getElementById (& quot; middleads & quot;). innerHTML; var str2 = str1.length;var str3 = str2 / 2; var = substr str1.substring (str3, str2); var n = (& quot; & lt; br & gt; & quot;); if (n & lt; 0) {n = substr.indexOf (& # 39;. & # 39;); if (n & lt; 0) {n = 0 ;} var firsthalf = str1.substring (0, str3 + n + 1); var secondhalf = str1.substring (str3 + n + 1, str2);}else {var firsthalf = str1.substring (0, str3 + n + 4); var secondhalf = str1.substring (str3 + n + 4, str2);} var newbody = firsthalf + addcode + secondhalf; var strnew = document.getElementsByClassName (& quot; post-body 

Change the writing CODE OF ADVERTISING ARE ALREADY parsed with script your Adsense ads that have been parsed. Then save the template and see the results dengna open one of the posts on your blog.

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