How to boost your Adsense Revenue ?

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1.First thing you have to do is make your blog got Organic traffic from google . to get that your site must have high keyword for search .

2.Apply your site to Google Webmaster Tool . in this case mean this tool can improve your site by index all your posts on google search .

3. Use social bookmark such as facebook,twitter,google plus or anything else which can announce your post there for giving your more visitor .

4.You related post in your site to make a different knowledge which can help your visitor advantage with your site .

5. Should use recommended ads size which provide by default or you can use your own with main color of your site that effect to your daily visitor.

6. Place Your Adsense On The right placement . Do not ask someone to click on your ads that against to google adsense .

7.You should have search engine optimized for all your posts that in this case mean you have to competition for giving you the organic Traffic to your site .

Hope All These Tips Can Help Boost Your Site and Your Revenue To Your Site. We Are Happy To help you . 

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